How to Bake a Klarfeld 100 Year Old Sponge Cake
Rabbi Steve Greenberg writes that you should give your children half of the pain your parents gave you and then give them the strength to deal with the half you DO give them. This recipe is from my mother, Frania Klarfeld who told me it came from her mother-in-law, Chaya Klarfeld (Nate, Mel and Allen’s grandmother) who once told Nate that it wasn’t a good day if she didn’t make one of her children cry…better if it was a daughter-in-law. To my knowledge, she never lifted a finger and made a sandwich while living with us, but my mother swears it’s her recipe. To make Chaya Klarfeld’s memory sweet…(come on, believe in Karma) I make this recipe once a year, now just for Adam and Michelle down in FL and have nice memories at 32 Ladue Meadows of family and friends around the big table… enjoy…

• 12 or 13 eggs, separated
• Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon and one medium orange
• 1 ½ cups sugar separated into two ¾ portions
• 3/4 cup Passover cake meal
• 1/4 c Passover potato starch

Sift cake meal and potato starch together with ¾ cup sugar. Set dry ingredients aside.
In a Kitchen Aid Artisan (This is a Klarfeld recipe so we do and can name drop the best) Beat egg whites stiff but not dry. (that means glistening with firm peaks not dry)
Add the other ¾ cup sugar to the stiff egg whites and beat a minute or so on high speed. Move beaten egg whites to a clean Dutch oven (That is a big flat soup/braising pot that is at least a 10 Quart – my mother used an old aluminum banged up one.. but we should at least honor her with All-Clad)
Back to the Kitchen Aid….with same beater and bowl from egg whites, beat the yolks thick and lemony on medium speed. Add the juice and grated rind of one lemon and one orange. Now add the dry ingredients you sifted in first sentence (cake meal, sugar, potato starch) a little at a time (1/4 cup works) to the egg yolk mixture at medium speed till you get a nice yellow batter.
(see I do use an All-Clad)
With a 2 cup measuring cup take some of the beaten egg whites and mix it in with the yellow yolk batter by hand. Then carefully blend the two mixtures, one white, one yellow in the Dutch Oven till blended but don’t over do it.
Pour into 10" ungreased tube pan with removable tube. Cut around with knife. Bake at 350 for 50 minutes - one hour. Invert over bottle until cool. If you go to a flea market see if you can get the real deal, an old glass returnable Pepsi bottle with the swirls.
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