Rev. John McNeill to speak at Stonewall National Museum and Archives Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 7PM
On Tuesday, May 10, 7PM, Rev. John J. McNeill comes to the Stonewall National Museum and Archives to speak about his recently published book, “Sex as God Intended” and upcoming film documentary, “Taking a Chance on God.”
For more than forty years, John J. McNeill, an ordained priest and psychotherapist, has been devoting his life to spreading the good news of God's love for lesbian and gay Christians.
He will be speaking about his latest book, “Sex as God Intended,” where he presents a simple and straightforward answer to the question: What did God invent sex for? The answer, derived from an incisive investigation of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, is that God intended sex as a source of pleasure, joy and love. This book represents a concise summary of the wisdom culled over a lifetime. McNeill's ideas have enriched the faith of thousands, including fellow teachers, religious scholars, ministers and lay folk. This volume includes a tribute to John McNeill, celebrating his life and work in a series of essays by students, friends, and activists, honoring him for his lasting contribution and spelling out how he touched their lives and work.
One year after the publication of his first book, “The Church and the Homosexual,” McNeill received an order from the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" under Cardinal Ratzinger in the Vatican, now Pope Benedict, ordering him to silence in the public media. He observed the silence for nine years while continuing a private ministry to gays and lesbians which included psychotherapy, workshops, lectures and retreats. In 1988, he received a further order from Cardinal Ratzinger directing him to give up all ministry to gay persons which he refused to do in conscience. As a result, he was expelled by the Vatican from the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) for challenging the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on the issue of homosexuality, and for refusing to give up his ministry and psychotherapy practice to gay men and lesbians. McNeill had been a Jesuit for nearly 40 years.
A documentary film about Rev. McNeill’s life, “Taking a Chance on God” is being produced by Brendan Fay and will premier in Rome later this year, not far from the Pope Benedict who publicly forced him to give up his ministry to gay and lesbians over twenty years ago.
Please join us on Tuesday, May 10, 7PM at the Stonewall, 1300 East Sunrise Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL for this exciting program. The event is free and open to the public.
For further information please contact the Stonewall at 954-763-8565 or visit
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