Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I am the girl that no one ever saw. I am the girl that lied to myself for decades. I am the girl that only a few have come to know and appreciate. I am the girl with good friends and family yet who is on a journey alone. I am the girl with love in my heart that sometimes is broken with pain. I am the girl who is loyal, compassionate and commited. I am the girl with so much to give and few to give it to.. I am the girl that is tired of the daily struggles of being true to herself. I am the girl that still remains unseen for all that she is.
I have many blessings in a sister I couldn't be closer with. I have a daughter who has become my best friend I am the proudest grandparent of a beautiful 5 year old girl.
So after all of this, I am ok."

Eva Kraus is a 52 year-old woman with a male past. She spent the first 47 years of her life as the father of three grown daughters, serving 12 years in the U.S. military and climbing the corporate ladder in the finance business to become a senior executive in the automotive lending business. Since her transition, Eva found a second career in the beauty industry as an aesthetician and manicurist. She is in the process of starting up her own cosmetics and day spa business. Eva lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts with her partner of 2 years. I found Eva on Facebook where her ‘Notes’ have been attracting attention with laughs and raised eyebrows. Entries such as “Somebody is one pissed off Trans Chick!” that deals with her online conversation with a gay male who doesn’t quite ‘get it’ yet. Tune in and you will hear more about that rant! Besides working on her job making the world even more beautiful, she an active member of SpeakOut Boston, a LGBT speaker’s bureau that goes to schools, businesses, churches to tell our personal stories and answer questions. This will be a frank discussion (Not Safe For Work NSFW) so grab a drink, kick off your shoes and tune in on Thursday, April 7th, 9PM EST when Eva Kraus comes to Stonewall Live!

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